$aving With Tightwadmama

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Kids Eat FREE!!! October 19, 2011

Filed under: FREEBIES!!!,Kids Eat FREE — tightwadmama @ 5:38

Kids Eat FREE

This list is updated as much as possible.  Make sure to always call ahead to your location or restaurant to make sure they are still honoring these specials.



*Buffalo Joe’s at 6130 Dixie Hwy on Rt 4 in Fairfield, Kids eat FREE with each paying adult (no limit)

*JD Stackers 7340 Yankee Rd. WestChester, Kids 10 and under eat FREE all day with each paying adult. (last verified9/14/11)

*Pasta Wagon 4877Smith Rd. WestChester, kids eat FREE Sundays, Mondays, and Tuesdays #881-2244

*TGI Fridays (most locations) Kids under 3 eat FREE




*Champps inWest Chester off Union Centre, Kids eat FREE (2 meals FREE with each paying adult) from4pm to8pm (last verified9/14/11)

*Chik Fil A onMiller Lane…thanks Cara

*Goldstar inFairfield (and several other locations as well), Kids 10 and under eat FREE with each paying adult combo meal from4pm to9pm (last verified9/14/11)

*Moe’s Southwest Grill,8260 Arbor Square, Mason kids eat FREE anytime after4pm with each paying adult.  Plus they have someone there to make balloon animals for the kids during these times. (last verified on9/14/11)

*Pasta Wagon 4877Smith Rd. WestChester, kids eat FREE Sundays, Mondays, and Tuesdays #881-2244

*TGI Fridays (most locations) Kids under 3 eat FREE



*Applebees inFairfield, Springboro (thanks Leah) (and I believe a lot more locations) Kids eat FREE all day with each adult entrée purchased (they also have fun activities for the kids on Wednesdays….either a craft, balloon making, etc). Last verified10/18/11

*Buffalo Joe’s at 6130 Dixie Hwy on Rt 4 in Fairfield, Kids eat FREE with each paying adult (no limit)

*Skyline inFairfield on Rt. 4 and in Finneytown (thanks Brian), Kids eat FREE with each paying adult from4pm to9pm (last verified10/18/11)

*TGI Fridays (most locations) Kids under 3 eat FREE



*Captain D’s on Nilles inFairfield (and several other locations), kids eat FREE on Thursdays.  Get 2 free kids meals with each paying adult meal, dine in only. (last verified9/14/11)

*TGI Fridays (most locations) Kids under 3 eat FREE



*TGI Fridays (most locations) Kids under 3 eat FREE



*Skyline 6098 Union Centre,West Chester; Kids eat FREE all day with each paying adult combo! (last verified9/14/11)

*TGI Fridays (most locations) Kids under 3 eat FREE



*Pasta Wagon 4877Smith Rd. WestChester, kids eat FREE Sundays, Mondays, and Tuesdays #881-2244

*TGI Fridays (most locations) Kids under 3 eat FREE